As the responsible person you must carry out and regularly review a fire risk assessment of the premises. This will identify what you need to do to prevent fire and keep people safe. By law you must keep a written record of your fire risk assessment if your business has 5 or more people. Although the person operating a premises may know their day to day business activities inside out, under law they also must be confident and competent in the fire risk assessment process. The Government issues guidance to help businesses “self-assess” but typically this guidance is so detailed and technical that most companies choose to outsource this work to a specialist fire risk assessment company like ASAP Comply. For more detailed information on the Government Guidance click here. As ASAP Comply have clients with hundreds of UK branches, we can offer a competitive service throughout the British Isles where the law relating to fire risk for business and residential premises varies between countries within the UK. We offer comprehensive Fire Risk Management services to a diverse range of sectors including offices and shops, hospitality, healthcare, sleeping accommodation, residential care, educational premises, factories and warehouses. As we also offer equality and access audits we are also able to provide detailed advice on the means of escape for disable people.